Alexa, Turn on my Smart Home!

The Coldwell Banker team attended a presentation by Amazon to learn more about the latest in home automation - your voice. Through Amazon's...

3 Smart Home Devices That Will Amp Up Your Living...

3 Smart Home Devices That'll Make Your Living Room a Cozier, More Entertaining Place to Spend Time.

How to Make Your Home Smart for $1,000 (or less)

Smart home technology is no longer a concept of the future, it is available (and affordable) to homeowners right now.

Lutron and Sengled Have Bright Ideas About Home...

Coldwell Banker talks with Lutron and Sengled about trends in home lighting technology and how it’s enhancing the way we live in our homes.

25 Smart Home Technologies that Matter Most to...

Nearly 60 percent of the real estate agents polled said they are seeing more smart home features in listing descriptions than they did two to five...

5 Ways Smart Home Technology Is Changing the Way...

A smart home is so much more than cool gadgets and shiny gizmos.