7 Things to Look For in a Real Estate Broker

Whether you're renting or buying in the city, chances are you're going to be working with a real estate broker. Here are seven things you should look...

A NYC-Specific Glossary of Real Estate Terms

Confused by your broker's lingo? Not quite sure of the difference between a coop and condo? This NYC-specific glossary of real estate terms should...

Resources to Help You Sell Your Furniture

Moving and not sure what to do with all your old furniture? This post may be able to help guide you in the right direction.

Expert Tips for Finding the Perfect Neighborhood...

It's not just the home, it's finding the right area.

Five Reasons Why You Should “Real Estate”...

On the holiday to do list - decorating, shopping, cooking, baking, parties, and oh yeah, buying or selling a home? Really?

The Honest Truth: People Are Buying Houses

I love my iPad. And one of my favorite apps is Zite. If you don’t have it, get it! It pulls articles of interest to you and essentially creates...