The Solution to the Go Play Outside Problem at...

“Go outside!” That is a statement, plea and often times downright beg that parents for generations have said to their kids. Yesterday in New...

Affordable ways to decorate your home for summer

The transition from spring to summer can lift everyone’s mood, and many homeowners get the urge to spruce up their properties.  From changes...

Lawn and Garden Month: Planning a Low Maintenance...

I know what some of you are thinking, “this woman is crazy, the words low maintenance and gardening go together like orange juice and toothpaste...

Lawn & Garden Month: Avoid Common Garden...

Nip these common garden mistakes in the bud and enjoy gardening this year. Timing A few beautiful days of 70 degree weather is enough for anyone to...

Lawn & Garden Month: 5 Steps to a Lush,...

Did you know that April is Lawn & Garden month? Last week Tara Rodman-Marine guest blogged  about how her garden has added to the value of her...